4 Classic Security Mistakes that you’re probably making…

Statistics show that most of us keep repeating the same security mistakes over and over again. If you’ve experience crime first hand then you’ll know that it’s not an enjoyable experience, so you need to stop making yourself an easy target.

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Here’s a round-up of the classic security mistakes that happen way too often.

> Leaving windows open

It’s difficult to say which one happens more often, the open window or the unlocked door. This one can be a costly security mistake, so if you do want to keep your windows open make sure to install steady, reliable burglar bars.

> Forgetting to lock doors

The number of criminals that enter easily through unlocked doors is shocking! Even if you are at home and it’s the middle of the day, always lock your door or at least your security gate to avoid the possibility of coming face to face with a criminal.

> Leaving tools outside

Many items can be used to get inside, including ladders, patio furniture, garden tools, etc. Instead of leaving them lying outside, lock them away inside or in a secure shed.

> Forgetting to lock the garage doors

If you don’t have a manual lock fitted to your garage door, you can use a c-clamp tightened down on each side of the door track to effectively “lock” down the door.

The bottom line is for the very best protection and security for your home, your loved ones and peace-of-mind – make sure you’re always aware and never make these common security mistakes!


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