5 Ways you could unknowingly Risk your Neighbourhood's Security

Your home security is your responsibility; however the security of your neighbourhood is in the hands of EVERYONE who lives there. It only takes one person to put the entire neighbourhood at risk…

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Here are 5 ways you could be risking your neighbourhood’s security – make sure you aren’t “that neighbour”

1. Leaving your bins outside. After the garbage has been collected for the week, make an effort to take your bins back inside your yard. Trash bins that are left outside for a long period of time can indicate that no one is home and burglars could use this as an invitation to break in.

2. Leaving the security gate open. Security gates are there as an extra safety measure to keep burglars out. However, there are some homeowners who don’t bother to lock their security gates when they leave the house or go to sleep. While your front door may be closed, a security gate that is left wide open can signal to potential burglars that little attention is being paid to home security.

3. Leaving the driveway gate open. Just like security gates, driveway gates are sometimes forgotten and left open. A burglar loves an open invitation into your yard, avoiding electric fences and high walls, where they can break inside without being seen from the street.

4. Leaving the lights on. Leaving your outdoor lights on all day and all night can be a good signal that no one is home. Someone who is focused on their home and neighbourhood security will use a timer for their lights if they ever go away on holiday for a long period of time, otherwise get a neighbour or family member to turn your lights on and off while you are away.

 5. Leaving post piling up. Newspapers, flyers, envelopes, etc. that are piling up outside your home or in your post box are a sign to a basic criminal that your home has been left empty and unattended. If your home is seen as an easy target, then you are putting the rest of the neighbourhood at risk.

Avoid being “that neighbour” and make sure to avoid making any of these mistakes.

PatrolMan is an easy-to-use neighbourhood watch app that allows members to keep track of incidents, reports and crime statistics in the neighbourhood and surrounding areas. Download PatrolMan today!


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