Avoiding Common Hazards on Halloween

Thanks to all the stories of Halloween sweets secretly filled with needles and sprinkled with poison, children have to wait until they're home to try their candy. The fact is, there is no proof that these incidents have ever happened.

I mean, i'm sure people have better things to do on Halloween then spend hours carefully sticking needles inside chocolate bars!

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Checking your kids treats is still very important, but there are many other hazards you need to avoid on Halloween...

1. Yield to Cars
On Halloween night kids are so much more likely to get hit by a car! Its obvious why, children are excited, running through the streets with plenty of sugar in them and many don't know the rules of the road - this is why you need to teach them!

Always make sure your children know that a vehicle cant always see them and they need to look both ways first before crossing.

2. Be Seen
Reflective tape is essential as it adds some cool colour to your child's costume and it ensures they will be seen in the dark! If they complain they don't want it to ruin their costume, give them a few glow sticks or make them a reflective bag for their candy.

3. Choose Costumes Wisely 
Common sense is a must here. Do you think  your child will be able to see where they're going if they have a mask on with tiny eye holes? And do you think they'll be able to cross the road properly with a ghost sheet costume that's five sizes too big? Your kids should be wearing simple costumes that fit them properly.

4. Stay Off Homeowners Lawns
There's always that one grumpy man that is irritated with any kids running on his lawn. Teach your children to respect other people's yards and stay on the pavements.

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5. Have a Plan
Plan out a route with your child, then draw a map together of where they can go and which areas they must avoid. If they are old enough to trick or treat alone, stick a cellphone in their candy basket and check up on them every hour or so.

Always set a time for them to be at home before it gets too late. 

6. Prepare Emergency Contact Information
While seldom needed, it’s a good idea to have contact information on your child in case of emergency. If they have an emergency card, stick it in their pocket or bag. An even better idea is to write an “If lost call” message with a fine-point pen or marker on your child’s wrist. Seal it with liquid bandage to keep it from washing off.

A Few Last Minute Rules to Teach Your Kids...
-- Never accept a ride from a stranger
-- Never split up from your group, stay together
-- Make sure shoes are comfortable and won’t rub
-- If lost or in trouble, find a phone and call home immediately

Halloween presents excellent learning opportunities for kids to learn and apply common safety practices. Give them the opportunity to make smart decisions, but be there to supervise and enforce the rules. 

Download the PatrolMan app to keep track with the crime statistics and incidents in your neighbourhood. From there you can see whether it is safe or not to send your children out trick or treating!


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