4 Crucial Life-Saving Tips that ALL Women Should Know

Because of the recent horrifying events that happened in Stellenbosch recently, women have started forming WhatsApp groups to use in emergency situations.

These groups are a fast and easy way to contact others if there is ever the feeling of danger. We encourage everyone, not only women, to join one of these groups as well as download the PatrolMan app and make use of the SOS button for emergencies.

While joining a group or downloading an app is all good and well, women need to know how to protect themselves and avoid becoming a victim.

Here are 4 crucial life-saving tips that ALL women should know:

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    1.       Be Aware of your Surroundings

When you are walking alone, or even with a friend or two, put away all your distractions and be aware of what is going on around you. Scan the areas that look dark and suspicious, like alley ways and parking lots.

When you walk, walk with confidence! An attacker may test how close he can get to you, so if you feel threatened, stand tall and shout “NO” or “BACK OFF”.

If you are walking alone hold your cell phone in one hand and have an emergency number ready to dial, or the PatrolMan app open on the SOS button. It is also recommended that you practice using your peripheral vision to see if anyone is lurking from the sides.

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    2.       Use your Gut Instinct

We all have that “sixth sense” or little voice inside our head telling us that something is wrong. The only problem is that many people choose to ignore it.

Your intuition is a powerful subconscious understanding of situations and the people around us. Everyone has intuition, especially women – so pay attention to it! Women tend to let their guard down and allow strangers to talk to them, but this is how an attacker gets close. If a person or a situation does not feel safe and your gut is telling you to get out, then it’s time to listen.

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    3.       Always Have a Plan

When you are threatened or attacked fear surges through your body, freezing you in panic. This is why it is so important to have a plan in place.

At the time of an attack it is literally impossible for your brain to construct a plan to escape or for you to defend yourself, however if you already had a plan you’re more likely to react quickly and efficiently.

When you don’t behave as the attacker expects you to, then you throw him off his game. So, be vocal! Screaming and shouting will attract attention to yourself. But keep in mind that every situation is different, if he plans to rob you it’s best to just give him the goods and hopefully he’ll leave you alone.

The worst scenario would have to be if an attacker tries to take you somewhere else. Do not let him take you to another location and do not let him get you alone. If that means screaming at the top of your lungs, then do it!

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    4.       Fight Back

Although women are strong, men have more upper body strength, height and body frame. However, it is vital that you understand that you can and should fight back.

You have the right to defend yourself, but women think that fighting back will anger the attacker and the situation will get worse. The odds of your survival are greater if you do fight back!

Do not struggle, wait for the moment when he is distracted and then strike back by aiming for the eyes, groin and throat. Remember you will probably only get one chance, so make sure it is fierce so it leaves him in shock and gives you time to escape.

The sad reality is that we are living in a world filled with violence, crime and fear. Staying safe is an issue for all of use, but especially for women. Learn these tips – know these tips! It could be the difference between life and death.


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